Thursday, April 13, 2006

Happy Easter


Well it is that time of year again when Christians all over the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.


I myself will be doing the same with family of course.  I will be eating but really don’t know what we are having.

Maybe seafood, I don’t know.  Also I might be swimming in my parents indoor pool.  Hehehe, yes I said indoor pool

you aren’t jealous are you?  Then the Friday after that I will be leaving for FLORIDA!!!!!!!


I can’t wait to get out of dodge and hit the beaches.  I am going to Disney World but I will be going to the Animal Kingdom

and not where that woman died.  It will be my son’s first trip out of our home state of Ohio.  Should be fun.



Well anyways, what is on everyone else’s list for things to do?



Have a Happy Easter everyone.


(this is for you CUG)




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