Monday, February 13, 2006




I had to take a personal attack on someone cause they were judging my and I don’t know where this person was getting this stuff.


So forgive me I need to get with CUG and maybe we can put a hit on him.  I bet Dr Tony would love to join in on the carnage.





Some people don’t get the fact that I am a Republican through and through.


This is from ed farrel

Promise of free education my ass. You minimize the contribution of thousand of our bravest men and women. How dare you assume you can possibly know or understand the motivations of these brave warriors.

Do you know a thing about duty - is there anyting or anyone you would sacrafice all for. People like you will never get it.  Dude did you every serve your country, no I DID YOU ASS HAT.

Semper Fi (look it up you moron)


Dude chill out, I am republican, never did I say free education, screw that I think this foul is smoking crack or something.  Dude you are wack.


SEMPER FI I have it stamped in my heart you freakin idiot,




Friday, February 10, 2006

I am Back


Well if you have come here in the past (maybe a total of ten) you have noticed that I have not been posting.  It was all due to the fact I couldn’t get to the internet.  Well finally some bloggers helped out and told me how to post via email.  So that is what I will be doing from now on unless I have the ability to actually go to the dashboard. 





Karen and I have had a falling out and she doesn’t let me post anything on her site anymore.  I guess she couldn’t handle the truth from a conservative Military veteran supporting his country and troops.


Kanye West


Has any one heard of this idiot.  What a moron, this guy talks a crap load of lies for his own political gain and now he thinks he should be in the Bible.


The thing is, Jesus Christ’s arms are wide open for him.  Man I sure am having trouble doing that. 


Does any one have some suggestions of what they would like to do with this guy.



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